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The Russian-European Working Group in the Field of Aviation Research in the Civil Sector.

In April 2017, Zhukovsky Central AeroHydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) hosted a meeting of the Russian-European Working Group in the Field of Aviation Research in the Civil Sector.

The event took place with the participation and support of the National Contact Point (NCP) “Aeronautics”, which operates on the basis of the Institute. The main task  on NCP is to broaden the cooperation between Russia and the EU in the field of aerospace research.


During the discussions with colleagues from the European Commission, special attention was drawn to high-priority topics and flagship projects of the Working Program “Horizon 2020” for the years 2018 to 2020, involving high-speed passenger aviation, safe air transport (in terms of icing) and the employment of distributed combined power plants.

“The meeting concluded on a positive note, its result being the affirmation by the European Commission of its commitment to broadening the scientific and research cooperation between the Russian and European partners,” explained Sergey Chernyshev, the head of the NCP, Director General of TsAGI and Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  “At the moment, the federal ministries of the Russian Federation and the European Commission have started their efforts in coordinating preparatory activities for holding joint competitions as part of the Working Program ‘Horizon 2020’ for the years 2018 to 2020. We believe that ahead of us is a productive work in close cooperation with our European colleagues.”



2024  National Contact Point      Админ