Trilateral Partnerships – Cooperation Initiatives between Scientists from Russia, Ukraine and Germany

Deadline: 30 April 2015

Trilateral Partnerships – Cooperation Initiatives between Scientists from Russia, Ukraine and Germany

The one-time tender 'Trilateral Partnerships' is aimed at scientists of all disciplines. Research projects as well as smaller events will be funded, there are no thematic restrictions. Against the background of the current conflict between the Russia, Ukraine and the EU this tender is meant to strengthen cross-border scientific cooperation between scientists from the participating countries.


The tender by the Volkswagen Foundation is open to scientists of any scientific discipline, including the natural, life and engineering sciences as well as the humanities and social sciences. Thematic specifications do not exist.

The cooperative initiatives can be research projects (with a budget of up to EUR 250,000) or also smaller events such as workshops, conferences and summer schools. It is expected that workload and budget will be distributed in a balanced way between the partner groups – at least one per country (Russia, Ukraine, Germany). Young scientists from the respective countries should be adequately involved in planned activities.

Further information is available in German language from the 'Trilateral Partnerships' website. Applications are to be submitted in electronic form via the application portal:

Source: Volkswagen Foundation:



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