IX International Forum "From Science to Business"

     ITMO University is one of the organizers of the IX International Forum "From Science to Business" that will take place in St. Petersburg May 13 - 15, 2015.
    Founded in 2007, the forum focuses on a science-based economy. More than 200 experts from higher educational institutions and academia, science, business and authorities take part in the event annually.

 Agenda topics include:
 -Strategic development of national innovation ecosystem;
- Technology transfer and regional economy;
- Systematic thinking and technology transfer: understanding of real market demands;
- Models of technology transfer; best practices of technology transfer centers;
- Technology transfer within the traditional university; an essential part of the future business education;
- Academical brokering VS Technological brokering;
- Marketing analysis and market research for the technology transfer;
- Presenting the innovative idea successfully;
- Social innovations and entrepreneurship;
- University as a member of the venture investment market in technology transfer;
- The role of engineering in technology transfer;
-Technology transfer within the territories of innovation development.                                                                     

Official Web-site: http://www.fs2b.ru/en/


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