SFR2016 logo2

The International Conference "Synchrotron and Free electron laser Radiation: generation and application" will take place at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia from Monday July 4  to Friday July 8, 2016. The Conference continues the series of Russian and International conferences on the application of synchrotron radiation held in Novosibirsk since 1975. As before, the primary goal is to deliver the achievements in the field of generation and application of SR and FEL radiation.

The scientific program of the Conference covers the following themes:
•Status reviews and scientific programs of various SR and FEL centers;
•SR and FEL radiation sources, instrumentations and experimental methods;
•SR and FEL application in physics, chemistry, medicine, geology, material science, etc.

The Conference will include invited and contributed oral and poster presentations. The Conference languages are Russian and English.  A traditional satellite meeting on Lake Baikal will be held after the conference. The Program of the tour includes a travel by train from Novosibirsk to Irkutsk, three-day stay at a hotel at Lake Baikal, scientific session, sally over Baikal Lake, and visit to the Baikal National Park.

Web-site of conference:


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