

The CREMLINplus Fellowship Programme permanent call is being continued. 


 You can prepare and submit your application (please, see below the Annoucement of the permanent call and the detailed information on the competition procedure).


 The next cut-off date is 05.03.2022 



The CREMLINplus Fellowship Programme 
Annoucement of the 2-d permanent call 
Opening date: November 22, 2021
The National University of Science and Technology MISIS (NUST MISIS) and the University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB) are pleased to announce a 2-nd permanent call of the CREMLINplus Fellowship Programme (CREMLINplus FP) within the CREMLINplus project of EU Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020. 
The call will be permanently open from November 22, 2021 up the end of 2023, but proposals will be evaluated after 4 certain cut-off dates per year. 
CREMLINplus FP offers scholarships supporting the participation of managers and operators of the Russian Research Infrastructures in the thematic and horizontal training courses/summer schools/workshops/conferences dedicated to improving skills and ways of managing research infrastructures in the 6 thematic domains according to ESFRI classification. These training initiatives also make focus on cross-cutting themes relevant to all research infrastructures. 
Candidates can choose any event from a LIST developed in line with the CREMLINplus FP objectives and regularly updated. They also can apply for participation in any event not included in the LIST, if it meets the objectives of the CREMLINplus Fellowship Programme.
The scholarships cover all support costs: travel costs, accommodation, the registration fee, visa and insurance. 
The call is open to employees of Russian Research Infrastructures,  who meet the requirements and the eligibility criteria of the Cremlinplus FP (please, see the Call documentation).
The next cut-off date is 22 December 2021.
All applications should be submitted online through the website of the Nationa Contact Point (NCP) for Research Infrastructures: 

The application Procedure within CREMLINplus Fellowship Programme 


The LIST of the training courses/summer schools/workshops/conferences (last update  05.02.2022)


The Employer Statement (requirements to the document) 


                                                                 APPLICATION FORM




Any queries relating to the call can be addressed to Marine Melkonyan (NCP for Research Infrastructures) by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone: +7 (916) 7079257






The CREMLINplus Fellowship Programme 



Opening date: June 04, 2021



    The National University of Science and Technology MISIS (NUST MISIS) and the University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB) are pleased to announce a first call of the CREMLINplus Fellowship Programme (CREMLINplus FP) within the CREMLINplus project of EU Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020. 


CREMLINplus FP offers scholarships supporting the participation of managers and operators of the Russian Research Infrastructures in the thematic and horizontal training courses/summer schools/workshops/conferences dedicated to improving skills and ways of managing research infrastructures in the 6 thematic domains according to ESFRI classification. These training initiatives also make focus on cross-cutting themes relevant to all research infrastructures. 


The call is open to employees of Russian Research Infrastructures, who meet the requirements and the eligibility criteria of the Cremlinplus FP (please, see the Call documentation)


Candidates can choose any event from a LIST developed in line with the CREMLINplus FP objectives and regularly updated. They also can apply for participation in any event not included in the LIST if it meets the objectives of the Fellowship Programme.


The scholarships cover all support costs: travel costs, accommodation, the registration fee, visa and insurance. 

The first cut-off date has been extended to July 16, 2021 (apply by 23:50 Moscow time).


Applications should be submitted online through the website of the Nationa Contact Point (NCP) for Research Infrastructures: 





The application Procedure within CREMLINplus Fellowship Programme 


The LIST of the training courses/summer schools/workshops/conferences, updated in September 2021 (last update  02.11.2021)


The Employer Statement (requirements to the document) 


                                                                 APPLICATION FORM



Any queries relating to the call can be addressed to Marine Melkonyan (NCP for Research Infrastructures) by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone: +7 (916) 7079257


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