Organisation and delivery of staff/knowledge exchanges 
The main goal of the staff/knowledge exchanges is to enable key personnel in the Russian and European research infrastructures to learn from each other. 
Staff/ knowledge exchanges will foster greater cooperation among the research infrastructures, and they will help to develop a mobile, multidisciplinary work force with the potential to work across many research infrastructures.
The exchanges will be both discipline specific for the operators (scientists and engineers) of Russian RIs as well as discipline agnostic for the managers and administrative staff of Russian RIs.
Staff/knowledge exchanges will be organised in addition to those already identified within the others Work packages (WP) of CREMLINplus project, as well as on the results of the survey “IDENTIFYING THE CHALLENGES IN MANAGING RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES IN RUSSIA AND URGENT TRAINING NEEDS” within WP9.
All exchanges will be hosted by experienced RIs in Europe or Russia – identified by an open call for tender with evaluations three times a year and will last from a few days up to maximum 2 weeks.
Implementation of this task will need good coordination with all other WPs of CREMLINplus project, as well as with the existing channels of the Russian National contact point for RIs (NUST MISIS) and European network of RIs NCPs. 


2025  National Contact Point      Админ