Within the WP9-Train  of the CREMLINplus project we are providing a pilot Mentorship/Coaching Programme by offering to 1st or 2nd level management leaders of Russian Research Infrastructure (RI) and Mega Science Projects (Director Generals, Directors) the opportunity to be supported in management by experienced coaches or mentors from other European RIs. 
The Programme at this pilot stage offers only 4 seats restricted to organizations within the CREMLINplus beneficiaries.
The Mentorship/Coaching Programme is basically based on 1:1 conversation offered to the participants as an occasion to discuss how to face critical management situations and how to address her/his personal growth. The mentors/coaches will develop a personal relationship with the mentee/coachee by holding regular (bimonthly) online 1:1 mentorship/coaching meetings during a whole year.
The first call was announced on September 8, 2021.
The deadline for applying to the Mentorship/Coaching Programme is  September 30, 2021. The Programme will start this Fall 2021.
More details on the Programme and the application process are summarized in the attached description of the programme. 
Pilot mentoring/coaching programme for leaders of Russian research infrastructures (RU RIs)
The Mentoring/coaching programme has been developed in the frame of CREMLINplus project as a pilot one and will be evaluated after the first year of its implementation. In case of positive evaluation by the CREMLINplus General Assembly, this programme will be continued using reallocation of funds from within the WP9 budget. 
Within the Mentoring/coaching programme, the new and existing leaders of  the 1-st or 2-nd management level of the Russian research infrastructures are offered to profit from being mentored by experienced leaders from the appropriate European institutions. 
First of all, the programme is dedicated to leaders of RU RIs from LIST-11 and 5 Mega Science projects. But it also covers  the managers of the other Russian research infrastructures. They will be offered to identify a mentor from another RI and discipline with the aim to increase the leadership capacities and awareness via the regular exchange over the 1 year. Alternatively, the managers of RU RIs can participate in a coaching programme with European certified coaches where the coach will visit the Russian RI managers up to 3 times and vice versa. 
We are planning to fund a mentor or coach for 4 Russian leaders over the 1 year with bimonthly meetings. 


2025  National Contact Point      Админ