Development of a Russian RI Management Training Academy
Within CREMLINplus project, a Russian RI Management Training Academy will be established by the end of the project. This Academy shall work beyond the project duration and is one part of the sustainability requests for this project.
The academy will be located in the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) MISIS, and be built on the experience gained in the projects such as RAMIRI (Realizing and Managing International Research Infrastructures) and the RItrain project (Research Infrastructure Training Programme), and the unique experience of both NUST MISIS and the University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB) in developing a wide variety of educational programmes in different scientific and management domains.
Ultimate goal is a joint programme for training of managers and operators of RIs in cooperation with UNIMIB.
The Academy will develop a concept of training and implement on a regular basis training courses and workshops on different issues dedicated to research infrastructures, e.g., management practices, access procedures and scientific collaboration between infrastructure staff and scientists belonging to both the Russia and European Union.
Expected impacts will include an achievement of an improved services provided by operators of Russian RIs, thereby helping to simplify and make transparent access for both European and Russian researchers to infrastructures.
Up to 7 NUST MISIS trainers will visit UNIMIB and get involved in the development and delivery of EMMRI modules during the first two years.