On 16 November 2016, in the Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research — GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) the Workshop “Perspectives for Joint Science and Academic Training at FAIR and NICA” was held.

The goal of the workshop is to present existing and potentially new collaboration topics of FAIR and NICA – both with regard to specific scientific and technological issues of mutual interest and also concerning joint efforts for promoting young researchers, in particular doctoral students and postdocs.


The Workshop was attended by a representative delegation from Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna), leading members of the NICA Project.
The German side was represented by the important representatives of the FAIR project.

Both parties made reports on the main areas of fruitful cooperation in NICA and FAIR projects and prospects of the cooperation. On the results of the Workshop a joint Declaration on further development of cooperation between NICA and FAIR projects was signed.

More details:


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