The Prize is awarded to researchers, scientists and developers (up to three people) being the authors of scientific-technological discovery or discoveries in the field of nanotechnologies, and to the company being the first to apply the discovery (discoveries) to mass production with the annual production output of at least $10 million and reached business success through the application of the discovery (discoveries).

The Prize is awarded annually in one of the following fields:

Optics and Nanoelectronics
Nanomaterials and Surface Modification
Medicine, Pharmacology and Biotechnologies
Energy Efficiency and Green Technologies.

In 2016 RUSNANOPRIZE awarded to Dr. Mirkin for the development of three-dimensional nucleic acid nanostructures called Spherical Nucleic Acids (SNAs)  that are enabling technological advances in biological and medical diagnostics and pharmaceutical development. Nanosphere, Inc – awarded for being the first in achieving successful commercialization of three-dimensional nucleic acid nanostructures (Spherical Nucleic Acids (SNAs))  in production of Verigene® System instrumentation and many other medical, pharmacological, and biotechnological materials and devices based on SNAs.

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