EU and Russian researchers develop new software to help coordinate Europe's marine data

With the help of a Russian marine research institute, the EU-funded SeaDataCloud project is further developing infrastructure built to better manage the collection and organisation of marine data across Europe.

Having ready access to marine data is of vital importance for marine research. However, due to the fragmentation of the current marine observing system, getting access can be a challenge. For example, Europe and its neighbouring countries have more than 600 governmental organisations and private labs collecting marine data. Although massive amounts of data are being collected by vessels, submarines, fixed and drifting platforms, aeroplanes and satellites, the data are neither accessible nor standardised – while their validity and security are often questionable.

To remedy this, the EU-funded SeaDataCloud project brought together 111 data centres from countries bordering Europe’s seas and oceans. These data centres all share a commitment to developing a standardised infrastructure for managing the collection and organisation of marine data.

Roadmap for EU - Russia S&T cooperation 2018

The document was adopted in October 2018

eu-russia jst committee 2018
EU-RUSSIA Joint Science and Technology Cooperation Committee Meeting
The Joint Science and Technology Cooperation Committee meeting was held in Moscow on 28 September 2018. The meeting was chaired by Ms Cristina Russo, Director for International Cooperation of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and Mr Mikhail Romanovsky, Director for State Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
 The Committee took note of the intention of both the Russian and EU sides to renew their bilateral S&T Cooperation Agreement for another five-year period without modifications. It took stock of the current state of play of the EU-Russia cooperation in Horizon 2020, in particular the flagship initiatives on research infrastructures, aeronautics and health, and on future opportunities for cooperation.
New opportunities for Russian students and academic staff to study, teach and train in Europe
 Ahead of the European Union's 2019 Call for Proposals for higher education institutions the National Erasmus+ Office in Russia organized the "Erasmus+ Information Day" at the State University of Management in Moscow.
The new Call, with a total budget of EUR 17 million dedicated to cooperation with Russia, will allow academic exchanges for more than 3,000 students and academic staff in the EU and Russia to study, teach and train, and will finance around 10 capacity building projects in Russia.
"Russia is the EU's first international cooperation partner in the area of higher education. We provide the highest number of academic mobility opportunities to Russia compared to other international partner countries", said Richard Burger, Head of the Science and Technology Section of the EU Delegation in Russia at the Erasmus+ Information Day in Moscow. "The EU wants more young people from Russia, EU Member States, and also from other countries of the world to benefit from exchange programmes in Europe", he added.

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International Conference for Research Infrastructures 2018

Participants from more than 50 countries took part in the International Conference for Research Infrastructures (ICRI) 2018.
Speakers representing high-level stakeholders from across the globe and high profile institutions intervened in the debate.



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