ICRI2016 , Cape Town – South Africa

3-5 October 2016


Latest Calls on H2020-RIs

 TOPIC : Fostering co-innovation for future detection and imaging technologies

Topic identifier: INFRAINNOV-01-2017
Publication date: 14 October 2015

Types of action: RIA Research and Innovation action
Planned opening date:
08 December 2016
Deadline: 29 March 2017 17:00:00



National Technological Initiative (NTI)

In October 2015  the Presidium of the Council for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of the Russian Federation approved the draft four 'roadmaps' of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) – AeroNet, AvtoNet, MariNet, and NeuroNet. The implementation of the first ‘roadmaps’ of NTI would commence in 2016, up to 10 billion RUB was allocated for these purposes from the budget.                        The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russia is responsible for ensuring funding of ‘transportation’ ‘roadmaps’ NTI (AeroNet, AvtoNet, and MariNet), while the Ministry of Education and Science will be responsible for NeroNet roadmap.

European Research Infrastructures (including e-Infrastructures) Information day, Brussels, 28 October 2015

RICH, the network of National Contact Points for Research Infrastructures, in cooperation with the EC Research and Innovation Directorate-General, organized an Information Day on 28 October, in Brussels. Potential participants were informed about the WP 2016/2017 and had opportunities for networking. The morning session focused on the INFRA calls 2016-2017, and legal/financial issues for the preparation of proposals. The afternoon session provided the opportunity to address specific technical questions to EC project officers and National Contact Points during pre-arranged bilateral meetings.
The presentations are available on: http://www.rich2020.eu/infoday
The video is available on: http://livestream.com/un/events/4448265

"Beyond Europe" – Call 1

Call budget: EUR 4.6 million in funding

Open date: 17.12.2015 10:00

Close date: 30.03.2016 12:00

The Programme "Beyond Europe" supports Austrian companies, research and university institutes and other organisations in creating and extending collaborations. The Programme is open to all thematic fields. Funding is available for projects in all technical disciplines. The present Call invites proposals for relevant research projects. Project proposals may be submitted for explorytory projects and cooperative R&D projects of the category "Experimental Development".
Reference: https://www.ffg.at/beyond-europe/call1


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